Bunnery Natural Foods Attends Natural Products Expo West for Second Consecutive Year Along with Wyoming State
11 March, 2013

WHO: Bunnery Natural Foods- crafter of all-natural, grain-based breakfast foods & snacks located in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
WHAT: Bunnery Natural Foods is returning to Natural Products Expo West for the second consecutive year teaming up with the state of Wyoming at their booth. After a successful debut in 2012 showcasing their newly released flavored Pancake & Waffle mixes, they return to dazzle food connoisseurs with their proprietary breakfast products. They will be showcasing their four different granolas including the: Original Granola, Banana Honey-Nut Granola, Blueberry Granola and Cranberry-Nut Vanilla Granola.
WHEN: Natural Products Expo West March 8-10, 2013, from 10:00am-4:00pm

MORE: Bunnery Natural Foods is a producer of all-natural, grain-based foods located in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Bunnery Natural Foods granola blends and trademarked oat-sunflower seed-millet (O.S.M) products, are made from the beloved Bunnery restaurant in Jackson Hole, a local favorite for decades. Bunnery Natural Foods owner Gérard Yvernault, a Jackson Hole resident since acquiring The Bunnery Bakery and Restaurant in 1990, spent much of his career in the luxury wine import sector before launching Bunnery Natural Foods. His insistence on the highest standards of quality, authenticity and balanced flavor translated seamlessly to the natural foods sector. From its small local market, Bunnery Natural Foods is now represented in Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Oklahoma, Florida, New Jersey, New York and is poised for entry into other select west coast and Atlantic seaboard markets The products are also available on Amazon.com.
For more information about Bunnery Natural Foods, visit www.bunnerynaturalfoods.com.
CONTACT: For media inquiries and interviews, please contact Skye Morgan of Charles Communications Associates at 415|701-9463 or press@charlescomm.com.
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